Broad Channel residents went booming down Cross Bay Boulevard Monday afternoon in celebration of the community’s annual Mardi Gras Labor Day Parade, keeping the strong tradition alive.
The parade, sponsored by the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department, breathed new life in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy when the Broad Channel Athletic Club joined with community residents to show the city that no storm could ever hold them back. It remained rich in Broad Channel history since its start in the early 1900’s, when it was formed to finance the building of the Channel’s firehouse, which is still in use today.

Photo by Phil Corso
This year, residents were invited to create their own floats and barrel down the boulevard before hitting a judging table to strut their stuff. The entire community was represented in the parade on floats ranging from a wide range of themes, from “Rock Lobster” and “Church Choir” to “Frozen” and “Happy.”
Southern Queens elected officials were also on hand to march down the path, including state Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Rockaway Park), who showed off his latest concoction: a steamroller float promoting the repaving of Hamilton Beach streets. That same float incidentally won the float contest at the previous day’s Baby Parade in Hamilton Beach.

Photo by Phil Corso
Broad Channel’s Mardi Gras events continued on through the weekend. The countdown started on Friday at the Broad Channel athletic field with a kickball tournament and barbecue. The next day included family day festivities in Broad Channel with games, rides, face painting and more. Sunday was the big parade day, which also ended up with an evening pub crawl for the adults.