Ulrich, Catholic Charities Seniors Deliver Knits to Veterans

Ulrich, Catholic Charities Seniors Deliver Knits to Veterans

Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) helped the Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Ozone Park Senior Center Knitting Club get their handmade knit gifts to St. Albans veterans in time for the holidays -- and colder weather. Photo Courtesy of Councilman Ulrich's office.

Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) helped the Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Ozone Park Senior Center Knitting Club get their handmade knit gifts to St. Albans veterans in time for the holidays — and colder weather.
Photo Courtesy of Councilman Ulrich’s office.

Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Ozone Park), Chair of the Veterans Committee, joined seniors from Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Ozone Park Senior Center this week for a visit to the Department of Veterans Affairs – St. Albans Community Living Center in Jamaica, Queens.

Seniors from the Catholic Charities Knitting Club have been making hats and scarves for St. Albans Veterans every year for a number of years – but this time, they wanted to make the delivery in person.  Councilman Ulrich facilitated the visit.  The group met with residents from the facility’s Adult Day Healthcare program, which provides continuing medical and rehabilitative services to elderly veterans who are ready for discharge from the hospital.

“During the holiday season, it’s especially important for our veterans at St. Albans to know how much we appreciate all the sacrifices they have made on our behalf,” said Ulrich.  “I was pleased to connect the Knitting Club from Ozone Park Senior Center with the veterans today, and I hope this becomes an annual visit to these heroes who have honorably served our country.”

“The generosity of the senior group in bringing hand-made gifts to our patients and the opportunity to socialize with them was greatly valued,” said Jonathan Beckerman, coordinator of the ADHC program.

By Forum Staff
