Goldfeder Calls on MTA to Clean Up Liberty Ave. Construction Sites

Goldfeder Calls on MTA to Clean Up Liberty Ave. Construction Sites

PHOTO:  Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (l.) has sent a letter to MTA New York City Transit to remove construction materials blocking traffic lanes along busy commercial sections of Liberty Avenue. Photo Courtesy of Assemblyman Goldfeder’s Office


Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Howard Beach) this week sent a letter to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, calling on New York City Transit to remove construction materials blocking traffic lanes along commercial sections of Liberty Avenue.

Goldfeder said he penned the missive to NYCT President Carmen Bianco after hearing concerns from area businesses regarding traffic conditions around A train construction work.

“For over a year, our local businesses on Liberty Avenue have had to live with a traffic nightmare,” Goldfeder said. “Not only do these construction materials take up valuable parking spaces for employees and customers, they have also created dangerous traffic patterns that put drivers at risk. I urge NYC Transit to find an alternative to storing equipment on Liberty and make this vital roadway safe again for our families.”

In the letter, Goldfeder called on the MTA to remove construction materials and storage containers blocking both east and westbound lanes of Liberty Avenue at the intersection of 84th Street.

Goldfeder said his office has received complaints from business owners concerned with motorists swerving into oncoming traffic to avoid the equipment. The materials also occupy parking spaces for employees and customers at stores along the commercial strip, merchants said.

Additionally, Goldfeder cited letters his office received from NYCT in April 2014 that warn of changes to elevated train routes to accommodate capital work at the 80th Street, 88th Street, and Rockaway Boulevard A train stations. But as he pointed out, the letters make no mention of possible impacts to motorists on the roadways below.

“Liberty Avenue becomes like a raceway with drivers crossing the double yellow line to avoid the construction storage equipment. One of our vehicles was sideswiped by oncoming traffic. I’m afraid someone is going to get hurt,” said Ron Scarduzio, owner of Penn Glass, which is located directly opposite the construction equipment.

According to Motor Vehicle Collision Reports made available to Goldfeder by the NYPD, at least five traffic accidents have been reported at the intersection of 84th Street and Liberty Avenue so far this year.

An MTA spokesperson said, “We will respond to the assemblyman directly, not through the media.”


By Michael V. Cusenza

