DA Katz Hosts Lawmakers at Annual Legislative Breakfast

DA Katz Hosts Lawmakers at Annual Legislative Breakfast

By Forum Staff

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz on Friday hosted city, state and federal lawmakers for her office’s annual legislative breakfast.

“I talked about my office’s many achievements in the last year and our continued efforts to do right by the people of Queens,” Katz said.

Councilwoman Vickie Paladino (R-Whitestone), a member of the Council Common Sense Caucus, noted, “We discussed how elected officials can work with the DA’s office to promote public safety as well as law and order. We also spoke about our shared legislative priorities to protect the people of Queens including strengthening laws relating to vehicular violence, safety in our transit system, improving prosecution of sex crimes against children. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues and DA Katz to ensure public safety for my constituents and all residents of Queens.”

Photo Courtesy of Councilwoman Vickie Paladino “I talked about my office’s many achievements in the last year and our continued efforts to do right by the people of Queens,” DA Katz said.

Photo Courtesy of Councilwoman Vickie Paladino
“I talked about my office’s many achievements in the last year and our continued efforts to do right by the people of Queens,” DA Katz said.

Common Sense Co-Chairman Bob Holden (D-Maspeth) said, “I attended the legislative breakfast this morning with colleagues across city, state, and federal levels. This was an excellent opportunity to address several issues directly with the DA and lawmakers. Thanks for having us, DA Katz!”

Katz has continued the tradition of the legislative breakfast started by her predecessors, including Richard Brown, who held the office from 1991 until his death in 2019.

In closing the 2015 breakfast, Brown said his “office has the respect of our law enforcement colleagues and the confidence of the 2.3 million residents of Queens County whom we represent.”
