South Queens Marks 10 Years Since Superstorm Sandy Struck

South Queens Marks 10 Years Since Superstorm Sandy Struck

File Photo

One of thousands of images of major flooding in communities like Howard Beach and Broad Channel.

By Michael V. Cusenza

File Photo Rebuilding in Broad Channel

File Photo
Rebuilding in Broad Channel

Ten years ago this month, a weather event of biblical proportions eviscerated South Queens—quite literally destroying whole neighborhoods, claiming dozens of lives, and leaving survivors to pick up the pieces.

Some still are.

File Photo The Borough President’s Post-Superstorm Sandy Task Force meets at Borough Hall

File Photo
The Borough President’s Post-Superstorm Sandy Task Force meets at Borough Hall

Residents of South Queens this week have been solemnly marking a decade since Superstorm Sandy changed their lives forever. It paralyzed the most important city in the world—flooding subway stations, claiming 44 souls, and leaving a receipt in its wake to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in property and infrastructure damage.

Photo Courtesy of Pam Andrade The superstorm left death and destruction in its wake.

Photo Courtesy of Pam Andrade
The superstorm left death and destruction in its wake.

However, we refused to allow that to be the coda of our legendary courage and resiliency.

Photo Courtesy of NASA Hurricane Sandy at peak intensity, just before landfall in Cuba on Oct. 25.

Photo Courtesy of NASA
Hurricane Sandy at peak intensity, just before landfall in Cuba on Oct. 25.

“Looking back a decade later, what I remember most about the days, weeks and months after the storm is the way we all came together as a community to help those who were affected,” State Sen. Joe Addabbo, Jr. (D-Howard Beach). “Since the storm, we have worked on the state level to strengthen our coastal communities and are working to implement storm mitigation measures in our waters so that when the next storm hits we are prepared. In addition, we are working towards being a clean energy state to help reduce the effects of climate change. I will never forget that day and the damage we faced, but I will also never forget the strength of our communities to rally around each other and come back even stronger.”


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