Adams, Union Pave Way for More Lifeguards

Adams, Union Pave Way for More Lifeguards

By Forum Staff

Mayor Eric Adams and City Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Sue Donoghue on Friday announced that an arbitration panel has issued an award in the city’s ongoing negotiations with the bargaining unit representing city lifeguards. The award will functionally pave the way for the city to be able to hire more lifeguards, allow more swimming capacity at beaches and pools over the coming summers, and improve operations of the city lifeguard program.

This builds on the city’s agreement with District Council 37 earlier this year to permanently improve the pay of city lifeguards to $22 an hour as of this summer, along with a $1,000 per year bonus for returning lifeguards.

Among other things, the award will allow the city to modify the qualification for lifeguards assigned to shallow water pools and modernize the vision requirements to be more in line with state regulations and industry standards. The city will no longer require the timed component of the now-300-yard swim for shallow-water pools, but will maintain all other components of the training program, including the in-water and dry-land skill sets, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first-aid, back-boarding, and other rescue skills. As a result, lifeguards currently in the training program who meet these modified requirements established by the decision are eligible to be offered positions at those appropriate pools this year.

Additionally, the city will, starting next year, be able to use a tiered vision requirement system that allows for lifeguards with 20/70 uncorrected vision in each eye, with 20/30 in one eye, 20/40 in the other eye with corrective lenses. With over 50 percent of Americans needing some type of corrective lenses, modernizing the vision requirements helps the city combat the lifeguard shortage, while still maintaining safety standards that are more than adequate for lifeguards working at smaller pools and retaining higher-vision standard for large pools and beaches. In subsequent years, lifeguards who meet these modified requirements will be eligible to participate in the training program, expanding the universe of potential lifeguard candidates.

Recruitment of new lifeguards for the 2024 summer season began last December with new policies designed to enhance the number of applicants. NYC Parks expanded the number of qualifying test sites and exam sessions – and debuted a new training course out of Fort Hamilton High School in Brooklyn – making it easier for candidates to complete the process, especially in the outer boroughs. Also new this year, applicants could present a letter from an eye doctor in place of taking a vision exam onsite at qualifying exams.

“Our beaches and pools are some of New York City’s gems – they’re great places for our kids and families to cool off, learn to swim, and enjoy the summer,” said Adams. “Today’s big win for public safety at our pools and beaches means we’ll be able to potentially hire more lifeguards for this summer and get even more in the pipeline for summers to come. All of our lifeguards will still be trained in CPR, first aid, and rescue skills, and we’ll be able to have our strongest swimmers focused on our beaches, where conditions are rougher. We want every New Yorker to have a great summer of surf and sand.”


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