Editorial: The Sad Truth

We beat up Elizabeth Crowley on this page before.

Honestly, it’s no fun having that much ammunition against anyone. But some people make it easy. And Elizabeth Crowley is definitely at the top of the list.

It’s a sad testament to our elected officials, our local government and to us—the people who pull the levers, that someone like Elizabeth Crowley could ever get elected.

And how much can we say about the dangers of continuing to elect candidates like Elizabeth Crowley? So much so, we don’t even approach having enough space.

This most recent foray into the Democratic Congressional primary in the 6th District resulted in a predictably humiliating loss; Crowley finished a distant third, with 15% of the vote, behind winner and party choice Grace Meng, who got a little over 50% and second place Rory Lancman who finished a little under 30%.

But it’s not her loss in a primary in which she had no business in that’s particularly worrisome about Crowley; it’s the blatant disregard Liz Crowley has demonstrated for anyone in a position to make life for the people in her council district better.

She is the ultimate political hack, a consumate carpetbagger who is arrogant enough to pursue higher office hoping to land like a barnacle on an already overcrowded pier.

There have been so many things to rip Crowley on. During the campaign there was the texting/scrolling debate debaucle where critics say she was getting answers from staff in the audience off her i-Phone. And then there was the episode when Crowley was asked about her positon on Stop-and-Frisk — PBA President Pat Lynch whispered the answer to her while standing behind her at a press conference. You have to give her credit, even without her i-Phone in hand she was able to use a human search engine.

All of those points have supplied us with much opportunity to make points about her ineptitude and inadaquacy but never before have we been so angered by the results of her consistent mockery of her position.

AS the people in her district already know, we are talking about the damage done to her consituents as a result of her severly cut budget member items and the inability to do her job as a council member.

Her district has suffered much in the face of her dismal failure to represent. The truth is glaringly apparent in the award of her member items this year—she delivered approximately ½ of last years catch. Frankly, we’re surpised she got the $300,000 she did get.

How many times do you think you can tick off the speaker and not get your ears pinned back? The answer to that question is: as many times as you want, if you have the wear with all and the skill to bring funds back to your taxpayers at the same time.

Obviously that’s not the case here—and voters in the congressional primary showed their feelings about having Crowley move any further up the political ladder.

Crowley’s member items are a disgrace.

Councilman Ruben Wills, who had his power to distribute member items stripped after he took his right to the Fifth Amendment at hearing still received hundreds of thousands of dollars more than Crowley. That’s right, neither through ability or political respect could she even earn as much money for her district as a council member under an ethics investigation.

We know the plain truth about slush funds and political favor and despite how you feel about the fairness or unfairness of such things, this enormous cut to Crowley’s allotment reveals her inability to work with her partners in government.

If the council has the back of a possible criminal before it has Crowley’s what does that tell you?

She’s represents herself as the lone wolf going up against a the system for the good of the people but what she is, is completely unable to work within the system.

Crowley says that member items are completely unpredictable and that you can’t put a reason behind them.

But that’s not true. And when the next council election rolls around we need to keep one simple truth in mind: Member items get proportionately lower when the person asking for them is an arrogant buffoon.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again.

When you go to scan your vote, just remember your ABC’s—

Anyone But Crowley.


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