Small Spaces–Big Ideas

Small Spaces–Big Ideas

bathroom pieceExcept for our closets, bathrooms are the smallest rooms in our homes that we–and usually several others–occupy several times each day. To further complicate matters we have to do a million things in the bathroom, most of which require a lot of “stuff”. To make your bathroom look and feel its biggest and best, here are some ideas we thought you’d find useful.

Hair creme, shampoo, shaving gel, loofahs, anti-bacterial scrub, facial cleaner, conditioner, ugh–the list is endless–and let’s not forget the toothpaste, soap, deodorant, first aid supplies, brushes, combs, blowers, diffusers, razors, Q-tips. WE NEED ROOM!

First things first: Clear out all clutter. It’s one way to get the most out of a small room. And use the inner walls for storage.

Use any pension for deception you may have in making the space appear larger than it is…
• Mirrors are the oldest trick in the book. They can make the narrow look wider, the short look taller and since you need them in the bathroom anyway, go wild!
• Another trick is using glass walls around the shower. It makes the room and the bathing space feel larger than they really are.

You can create space and style in a small bathroom by adding niches in the wall and shower area.
If the walls are already open, find a space between two studs that is free of electrical and plumbing. Cut a 2×4 for the top and bottom of the niche and attach to the studs. Cover with drywall or cement board, mud and tape, and then paint or tile to finish.
• If the walls are already finished, this could still be an option as a more advanced DYI project including knowledge of existing plumbing and electrical, exact stud location and the ability to restore any finishes that might be damaged in the process and well as the finish for the new addition.

Now you’ve created an out-of-the-way shelf space for clean towels or products, or for a fun design element, try shedding a little light on the subject. Where there is not space, there can be light. It always makes a small space feel more expansive.

Keep These Tips In Mind:

• Go with a monochromatic color scheme
That doesn’t mean you can’t use hues of the same color. And if you think you’re able to keep it really clean, then go with white–nothing makes things look as large as white

• Use space above the doorway for storage:
The next time you’re in the bathroom, take a look over the door–see all that unused space–it’s a perfect space for things you need but maybe not all the time. It can also host spare toilet paper, cleaners, etc.

• Choose smaller fixtures

• Use larger floor tile in a small bathroom

• Maximize vertical space

• Have floor space with minimal obstruction
Get those scales, trash cans and hampers out of the way. If you can’t get them out of the lane of traffic–GET THEM OUT OF THE ROOM!

• Change the swing of your door
If your bathroom door opens in, turn it around to swing out of the bathroom. You may want to consider a pocket door if that is an option for you.
Don’t be discouraged about your lack of space. A brief trip around the web or through a bookstore will lead you in the direction of thousands of publications and articles, videos, infomercials and virtually every other form of media, dedicated solely to the purpose of helping people create space where there seemingly is none. You are not alone in this conquest, so have fun and remember–Good things come in small packages!


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