Sandy: Looking Back, Moving Forward – A Community Reflects

Sandy: Looking Back, Moving Forward – A Community Reflects

 Sandy first page

A Letter From The Publisher

My Dear Neighbors,

I’ve known for almost a year that I was going to write this to all of you and still as I sit down, I have no idea of either what I should say or how I should say it. I’d like to begin by sharing with you some words that were published in the issues immediately following the storm. 

November 1, 2013
4 days in— Post Sandy Issue 1 

“…Initially I wondered how I could go on and continue with the newspaper in the face of everything…but as I made my way through Howard Beach, Hamilton Beach and Broad Channel …I was overwhelmed by people’s reaction to the thought that The Forum could be lost for good. Because of their words, I quickly realized that giving up was not an option. 

“I know that moving forward will be one of the most difficult things we will ever face but we have to do it no matter what it takes. And as we have shown over and over in the past, we can do it.” 

“The Forum is starting over with all of you and although it will likely be the hardest thing we have ever had to face, we will get through it.”

“May God continue to bless all of us, and may each of you and all of your families remain safe in the days ahead.” 

November 15, 2013
18 days in—Post Sandy Issue 3 

“It is especially ironic for me that I have spent so much of my life writing about the news and now I am living it.” 

“…Thank you to all of you who have been calling, writing, texting and emailing to encourage us to keep printing… Your expressions mean the world to us and have really acted as a stimulus to keep going through such difficult times.” 

“Everywhere we turn there seems to be a helping hand extended in our direction. Words can never express the gratitude we feel as the recipients of such kindness and generosity.” 

November 22, 2013
25 days in –Post Sandy Issue 4 

“…Despite these trying circumstances, there is one thing that has weathered this storm and emerged as a force more powerful than the wind and water that left so many in dire straights––the dictionary defines it as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another that is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate that suffering––we know it as one word, compassion.” 

November 29, 2013
32 days in–Post Sandy Issue 4 

“It’s hard to believe it’s nearly a month since I watched a wave roll down my block…since I felt for the first time in my life, sheer panic…” 

“…Although we have a long way to go, we have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that we are ready, willing and able; not only to help ourselves, but to help each other.” 

Those are some of the words that I wrote to you back then, but now I would like to share with you some words that were written to me the week after the storm hit. 

Dear Pat Adams, 

Upon returning to my home on 96th st. in Howard Beach this morning, I was filled with emotion to find The Forum lying on what’s left of my front lawn, folded in its clear plastic bag, as usual. 

When I picked it up, my eyes became watery and my breathing became heavy as I held back he tears.

Seeing that newspaper on my lawn gives me the hope that things are and will return to normal soon. I have lived here for 38 of my 40 years and now raise my boys in the house in which I grew up. 

It means everything to me to be able to do that and I will continue to do that with support from everyone like my family and great neighbors, and people like you of course. 

Thank you for giving me the littlest thing, that subtle reminder that life goes on and that so must all of us… 


Robert Marino Jr. 

Over the course of the last year, I have read those words many times. And I realize that no words in my life have ever affected me more. 

And so I dedicate this issue of The Forum, the largest ever printed in our history, to Robert Marino Jr., a man whom I have never met and yet who shaped my life and the future of The Forum

His words and sentiment were the motivation to go on when it seemed impossible. This letter was a beacon of light and inspiration to go on. And to him I will be eternally grateful. 

Now I invite you all to take a journey with me, through the pages that follow. 

Beginning with your personal stories and photos, we have tried to capture the sprit, dedication, perseverance and courage that have miraculously transported us to where we stand today. 

Whether it is in Rockaway, Broad Channel or Howard Beach, as individuals and as a community, we have triumphed and have emerged from our darkest hours stronger and better. 

To be continued…


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