Howard Beach Unites at Cross Bay Firehouse for Sept. 11 Ceremony

Howard Beach Unites at Cross Bay Firehouse for Sept. 11 Ceremony

PHOTO:  Ladder Co 173 and Engine Co. 331 last Friday evening opened their firehouse doors to the community for a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony.  Forum Photo by Michael V. Cusenza

With hearts set on recalling that harrowing day 14 years ago, and canonizing the heroes –those that ultimately made it home, and those that made the ultimate sacrifice—that defined a landmark moment in history; and minds determined to impart the lessons gleaned from this tragedy to the generation born after it, the Howard Beach community last Friday united at the Engine Co. 331/Ladder Co. 173 firehouse on Cross Bay Boulevard for a candlelight 9/11 memorial ceremony.

Dozens of first responders, civic leaders, residents, elected officials, and volunteers gathered just outside the bay doors as the sun was setting on Sept 11, 2015. Organized by resident Frances Scarantino, the inaugural event featured prayer, poetry, guest speakers, and songs, including “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and “In His Name.”

“The younger generation needs to know the stories of the people who went to work that morning and never came home,” said state Sen. Joe Addabbo, Jr. (D-Howard Beach). “They need to hear the stories of the heroics. It’s important every day that we remember the people who all they did was get up and go to work that day. It’s important to remember every person who worked that Pile and who still suffers today. Remember – within all that horror, we saw valor in individual people.”

Democratic District Leader Frank Gulluscio echoed Addabbo’s sentiment.

“I’d like to reach out to all the little kids here today. I’d like to impress to the kids that that day was about being a good neighbor, about helping each other,” he said.

Before opening the firehouse floor to refreshments and fellowship, Scarantino said that Sept. 11 allowed her to reassess her surroundings.

“I’m so proud of the city and this community,” she said.


By Michael V. Cusenza

Forum Photo by Michael V. Cusenza

Forum Photo by Michael V. Cusenza


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