Why I’m Voting for Stacey Pheffer Amato

by Assemblyman Phil Goldfedder

My work as your Assemblyman has always been about the needs of all our families.

Every bill I introduced, every civic meeting I attended, and every email or letter I sent over the last five years was driven by my desire to serve our families and ensure a better future for my children and every child across the community. We have achieved many great things, from speeding our recovery from Sandy, to securing lasting protections for Jamaica Bay and fighting for improved transportation and the reactivation of the QueensRail.

Although I will soon be leaving the Assembly, my family and I will continue to be a part of this community. I want to see us continue to build upon our many great successes and build a stronger future for every family. For all our progress, there is still much work left to do in the 23rd Assembly District. At such a critical time, we need to ensure that we have leaders who are up to the task in the years ahead.

That’s why I’m supporting and voting for Stacey Pheffer Amato for New York State Assembly.

I have known Stacey my entire life. I know that she has the passion and experiences to be our voice up in Albany. As a small business owner and dedicated civic member, Stacey has seen firsthand the struggles we face in our ongoing recovery from Sandy. Her strong support for the reactivation of the QueensRail and focus on bringing economic opportunities to southern Queens and Rockaway prove she has the vision to tackle the key issues we face. Her recent proposals for new security measures inside Gateway National Recreation Area show that she will not stand by as red tape and unresponsive agencies fail to protect our families.

For Stacey, public service is a way of life.

Stacey’s mother, Audrey Pheffer, is my mentor and the reason I aspired to public office in the first place. As my predecessor, Audrey fought for our community for over twenty years, giving voice to our families and fighting for the resources we need. It’s this great lesson in public service that Stacey brings to her candidacy.

Most importantly, Stacey represents the best of our community. Like me, Stacey was born and raised in Rockaway, and now she and her husband Frank are raising their two children here. There is no greater compliment to a neighborhood than to see its children want to stay and raise their own families and open their own businesses here. That’s why Stacey has invested her time and efforts into making our community a better place. She has served as a PTA president, a District Leader, and a member of our local New York Rising committee. This is true leadership.

I know what it takes to be your elected official and fight tirelessly for the community and every family. That’s why I’m voting for Stacey Pheffer Amato. She will continue my legacy, that of Audrey before me, and be the true leader our community needs. Stacey understands how to work together, neighbor helping neighbor and she is prepared for whatever challenge may lie ahead. This is the leadership we need and the future we deserve.


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