On Sunday night, a Doo-Wop-night-turned-fundraiser at DiVino’s Pizzeria Restaurant in Howard Beach, had the town talking. But what they had to say was better left unsaid.
Apparently there was a little too much noise for certain residents, and so they took to social media, namely Howard Beach Moms on Facebook, to share their angst and attack a local business for “disturbing their peace.”
That of course sparked a response or two from the other side that could best be described as vulgar, and to some, who we describe as most definitely uninformed, “stereotypical” Howard Beach.
In those comments, some rather colorful language was used to criticize and call out the “Facebook complaining rats.”
Now, while we won’t go out and support the use of profanity and rage that was in the incendiary comments, we will certainly give the author of the comments a “pass” just this once, considering the particular noise he was defending.
The “too loud music” was part of an effort to raise money for a special little citizen.
Aniya Ardon is the bravest little girl in Howard Beach. The 9-year-old daughter of Jackie Ardon and West Hamilton Beach Volunteer Fire Department Capt. Alvin Quiles was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer—astroblastoma—shortly after her 7th birthday, and she’s been a warrior ever since.

Aniya’s unwavering passion, fortitude, and dedication have been an inspiration to her community and beyond. Earlier this year, WHBVFD chiefs installed Aniya as an honorary firefighter, fulfilling her dream of one day following in her father’s footsteps.
The City Police Department has also recognized Aniya’s bravery. Last month, Assistant Chief Juanita Holmes, Patrol Borough Queens North commanding officer, invited Aniya to visit PBQN in Forest Hills.
When she arrived with her hospice nurse and family, Aniya was presented with her own police shield and was sworn in as a junior police officer by Chief Holmes. There was a cake, a teddy bear and a table full of NYPD branded items for Aniya.
McGruff the Crime Dog even made an appearance, and afterward, she visited the 112th Precinct downstairs and signed the command log to report present for duty. Aniya even addressed the evening shift and handed out assignments to the police officers.
According to the NYPD, the officers who were able to spend even a few minutes with Aniya described the opportunity as “emotional” and “inspiring.”
Despite the challenges that Aniya faces, her smile remains infectious and that should be an inspiration to us all,” Holmes added.
We really hope and pray that anyone who realizes why there may have been a little extra noise at DiVino’s Sunday night doesn’t have too much trouble prying their feet out of their mouth.
And instead of carrying on like adolescents and running to the computer to complain, maybe you should have taken a walk over to DiVino’s, had a slice, and gone in your pocket to make a donation. Just like you would want done for you in the event that you were facing a tragedy like this in your life.
Instead of complaining, you should be applauding the type of community in which you live. The one where problems bring everyone together and no one in trouble is a stranger. That’s Howard Beach. Sure, we may get a little loud from time to time, but it’s all in good fun and it’s always to help.
You shouldn’t be looking to cause a problem for local business owners who get up every morning and put their sweat into bringing local enterprise to the boulevard and keep the community strong, especially those who use their places of business to help out when a family from the community needs them. Needs all of us.
So I say thanks to DiVino’s for hosting the event and to every person who attended and donated. Thanks to the administrators of Howard Beach Moms for putting the lid on the over-boiling pots.
And most of all, thank you Aniya Ardon for inspiring us through your strength and bravery. Thanks for being 9 years old and giving us an example to live by.
And for those of you who don’t like noise, why don’t you go quietly to your computer and type in this link:
Go make some noise of your own and put some money where your mouths are.
God Bless you Aniya.
Howard Beach is praying for you.


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