Local parents with their children turned out in numbers over the weekend as Howard Beach native Frances O. Scarantino launched the first in a line of children’s books she has authored.
“Felicia Gets Ready for Day Care” is written from a child’s point of view and will help both parent and child transition into day care. It gives some helpful ways for both child and parent to alleviate some separation anxiety and make going to day care a pleasant, reassuring and rewarding experience.
Parents are often conflicted when returning to work after maternity or family leave. It is a stressful time for the parents who are leaving their child behind in the care of others to go back into the work force. At the same time, it is stressful for the child, who is leaving the security of his or her home and daily life (often the only way of life they have ever known) to enter the brand new world of day care.
Scarantino has vast experience working with children. As president and founder of a successful non-profit youth organization in Queens, S.T.A.R.S., she runs various activities for many age groups at the youth center.
In order to address the lack of programs in three areas, Scarantino decided to open Reach For The STARS!, which focuses on children of working parents. Reach For The STARS! includes a day care, an after-school program, and a class room setting program for children ages three (3) and four (4) years old. The programs focus on development and education of these children and preparing them for their academic future.
Reach For The STARS! grew to include weekend enrichment programs such as Star Bright, a program for gifted and talented young children, and Stella, an Italian and Sign Language class for children.
Scarantino has been recognized for her accomplishments in local weekly newspapers as well as in New York Daily News and in New York Newsday. She has also received numerous awards for her work.
To get a sneak peak of the book, you may view the trailer on YouTube.
For more information call 718-845-1429