Power Outage Leads to Service Disruption at Broad Channel A Station

Power Outage Leads to Service Disruption at Broad Channel A Station

PHOTO:  Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder said that the “MTA needs to ensure that train service is reliable and prepared for power disruptions like we saw over the weekend.” Photo Courtesy of Marc A. Hermann/MTA New York City Transit


An area elected official this week continued his calls for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to markedly improve reliability during an emergency or sudden break in service; and for more transit options for residents of south Queens and Rockaway.

After a power outage last Saturday morning at the Broad Channel A train station disrupted service for approximately two hours, stranding many beach commuters, Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Howard Beach) ripped what he deemed an ill-equipped agency.

“As we’ve recently seen, our train service in Rockaway is barely prepared to handle normal service, let alone emergency situations,” Goldfeder said. “We’ve experienced two major evacuations in recent years. The MTA needs to ensure that train service is reliable and prepared for power disruptions like we saw over the weekend. I have long advocated for investment in our transit infrastructure and this past weekend is another example why ferry service and the addition of new rail lines can’t come soon enough.”

In February, four months after the temporary Rockaway Ferry was shuttered, Mayor Bill de Blasio detailed his administration’s plan for a Five-Borough Ferry System that will “knit together existing East River routes with new landings and services to Astoria, the Rockaways, South Brooklyn, Soundview and the Lower East Side.” It is scheduled to launch in 2017.

An MTA spokesperson said last Saturday’s problem in Broad Channel was caused when a “Con Ed feeder went out.”


By Michael V. Cusenza   michael@theforumnewsgroup.com
