Take Advantage of Free Gas Detectors: FDNY

Take Advantage of Free Gas Detectors: FDNY

By Forum Staff

The City Fire Department is encouraging New Yorkers to take advantage of free natural gas detectors, available through Con Edison.

While rare, a natural gas leak is extremely dangerous due to the potential of an explosion.

Natural gas detectors alert residents to dangerous levels of natural gas, as well as simultaneously notify Con Edison’s Gas Emergency Response Center and the FDNY of a potential gas leak. Firefighters and crews from Con Edison will respond swiftly and investigate the cause.

“All New Yorkers and building owners should take advantage of this free program through Con Edison,” said Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh. “Like smoke alarms, a natural gas detector will give you early warning of a potentially dangerous situation.”

If your Natural Gas alarm sounds or if you smell a natural gas leak, evacuate immediately and call 911 when you are safely outside.

Courtesy of FDNY Learn more about the dangers of natural gas and more at fdnysmart.org.

Courtesy of FDNY
Learn more about the dangers of natural gas and more at fdnysmart.org.

Natural gas has a distinctive, strong odor, like rotten eggs.

“To help prevent a life-threatening incident or property damage, let Con Edison install a natural gas detector,” said Katherine Boden, senior vice president of gas operations at Con Edison. “Natural gas detectors are as important as your smoke detector, seat belt or lock on your door. They’re lifesaving technology!”

All buildings that have an active gas account and are located within the Con Edison gas service territory qualify to have a natural gas detector installed for free. To schedule a free installation customers can call Con Edison at 1-800-643-1289, select option number 4, or email NaturalGasDetectors@conEd.com.

It typically takes less than an hour to install the detector. Once installed no further maintenance is required. Con Edison will replace the device at no cost when it is due for replacement or in the event the device requires a replacement sooner. For more lifesaving tips, visit fdnysmart.org.
