More than 50 residents attended the monthly meeting of the Lindenwood Alliance on Monday evening at the Rockwood Park Jewish Center. Attendees were addressed by three guest speakers who discussed issues including a rash of local burglaries.
Community Affairs Officer Brenda Bratcher of the 106th Precinct was on hand to discuss a number of concerns in the community, and provided details on the locations of the recent burglaries in the area. Bratcher reviewed details of the latest home invasion at a private home on 84th Street at 149th Avenue. Police are investigating that incident further after the arrest of two males presumed to be involved. The complainant was also arrested for the possession of narcotics found at his house.
Burglaries in the area have occurred from 76th to 88th streets and from 149th to 156th avenues. “We do this type of community outreach so that residents will become more aware of their surroundings,” Bratcher told the crowd. Among the items most frequently stolen were money, electronics including computers and large screen televisions. In most cases, the perpetrators entered buildings from fire escapes. “If you see anyone suspicious entering or exiting a property call 911,” said Bratcher.
Also on hand were Claudia Filomena, Queens Director, Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit and FBI Special Agent Jim Capozzi, who also serves as the New York Metro Chapter InfraGard Coordinator.
Capozzi invited those present to participate in the partnership program created by the FBI. As defined on their website, InfraGard is an association of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States.
Filomena explained the functions of the CAU, which serves as the Mayor’s direct link to the community. As a Borough Director, she lives in Queens and has developed strong relationships with members of the community. Filomena meets regularly with local community groups, civic organizations, religious groups, and business leaders to discuss local issues and offer assistance. She coordinates meetings with city agencies and participates in walking tours to gain firsthand knowledge. Borough Directors also assist with emergency and crisis situations in the community.
Alliance co-founders, Joann Ariola and Christina Gold announced that they will hold the next monthly meeting on April 11 and will be, for that month only, holding the meeting at P.S. 207. The Alliance will partner with Community Education Council District 27 for a joint Health and Education Forum. Check The Forum as the date nears for further details.