Assemblyman Adds Baby Boy to Brood

Assemblyman Adds Baby Boy to Brood

PHOTO:  Proud parents Esther and Phil Goldfeder and their bundle of joy. Courtesy of the Goldfeders

By Michael V. Cusenza

And baby makes… Five!

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Howard Beach) and wife, Esther, last week welcomed the latest addition to Assembly District 23: a healthy baby boy.

“This tremendous blessing fills our family with joy,” Goldfeder said last Thursday, “especially our daughter Eliana and son Asher, who have a new baby brother.”

Both mother and son are happy, healthy, and resting comfortably.

“As someone born and raised in Rockaway, my work has always been driven by the desire to make our community a better place for my children and for every family,” the assemblyman added. “The birth of our son serves as a humble reminder to continue this work of ensuring a better future for all.”

Speculation out of the Peninsula is Goldfeder feels he now has the numbers to approach Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and request the formation of a new Assembly Subcommittee on Cute Kid Pics.

Stay tuned.


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