Articles Written By: The Forum

CEC24 Debates City’s Sex Ed Mandate

CEC24 Debates City’s Sex Ed Mandate

The City’s recent decision to mandate sex education was the main topic at Tuesday night’s Community Education Council 24 meeting at P.S. 58 in Maspeth….

Pitching In to Keep Jamaica Ave Litter Free

Pitching In to Keep Jamaica Ave Litter Free

With garbage piling up Jamaica Avenue due to budget cuts from the Sanitation Department,three  local politicians pitched in funds to increase litter basket collection service….

J/Z Subway Line Rated Best In City

The J/Z subway line that runs above Jamaica Avenue is the best in the city. Those are the findings of the Straphangers Campaign, an independent…

Community Says ‘Thanks’ To Veterans

Community Says ‘Thanks’ To Veterans

Veterans were honored last Saturday at state Senator Joe Addabbo’s third annual Veterans’ BBQ in Howard Beach. Throughout the course of the afternoon, veterans from…