
Legislature Votes to Legalize Gaming

Legislature Votes to Legalize Gaming

As part of a legislative package pushed through with redistricting early Thursday morning, lawmakers made the first step toward legalizing full table gaming in New…

Redistricting Finalized

It’s official. Congressional and legislative districts both have final lines for the next 10 years despite taking two very different paths to get there. In…

Cooper Avenue Undergoing Overhaul

Cooper Avenue Undergoing Overhaul

Construction is in full swing on Cooper Avenue to rehab the underpass between 74th and 79th streets that dips below the Long Island Rail Road…

GRRC Starts Graffiti Fighting Season

GRRC Starts Graffiti Fighting Season

The annual battle against graffiti is about to start. Every year in April, the Greater Ridgewood Restoration Corporation (GRRC) starts its cleaning season in Ridgewood,…

Glendale Standoff Ends in Suicide

Police were pulled into an almost four-hour standoff with an armed man in Glendale. He locked himself in the bathroom after firing on police and…

Turner Will Run for U.S. Senate

After the announcement that his congressional district could disappear, Rep. Bob Turner (R-Queens) is doubling down on his political future by announcing a United States…

Fight Over Legislative Lines Continues

This week, members of the State Legislature released a second and final draft of proposed redistricting lines that looked remarkably similar to their last draft….