DOE Seeks to Ease PS 49 Overcrowding

DOE Seeks to Ease PS 49 Overcrowding

More than a decade ago, P.S. 49 was an average school in a district notorious for below average schools. By 2003, the Middle Village school…

GOP Councilmen Trash Mayor’s Budget

GOP Councilmen Trash Mayor’s Budget

Monday night’s meeting of the Ronald Reagan Republican Club served as a stage for Councilman Eric Ulrich and City Council Minority Leader James Oddo to…

Prosecutors Criticize Budget

Add Queens District Attorney Richard Brown to the growing list of officials worried about Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s executive budget. Brown, along with Brooklyn DA Charles…

New Smoking Ban in Effect for Parks

New Smoking Ban in Effect for Parks

The city’s newly expanded anti-smoking law went into effect on Monday, meaning smokers can no longer legally light up at public parks, beaches and pedestrian…

Deja Vu: Engine 294 Faces the Ax Again

Deja Vu: Engine 294 Faces the Ax Again

With the budget debate smoldering in City Hall, 20 fire companies are in jeopardy of being closed in July. Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s list of closings—which…

Park Advocates Keep Pressure on City

Park Advocates Keep Pressure on City

Rosemarie Pittelli and Kay DeVita watched the rally across the street from their homes and grew agitated. More than 80 people had arrived at the…